Song Page Explained

This is the ultimate destination of your song quest. In this page you find the music transcription, you can display tabs for various instruments, the lyrics are displayed, and many more options are available (by clicking on [More]).

There are only a couple of ways to navigate from this page;

The BROWSER BACK BUTTON will take you to the previous page,

Other Links may be available at the top of the page. These are usually links to pages that have more information about the song.

There are several sections to the music display, each part is useful to a different musician.
Links Section: Links to other pages related to the song.
Chords Section: Title, Key, and Chords used in the song, one chord per beat.
Buttons: Used to select a different key, display tabs, and more.
Metronome: Helpful to keep the beat. Activate by pressing the middle button.
Play: Plays the song. Activate by pressing the Play button.
Music Score: The score for the song, in the key desired.
Scroll Buttons: Used to scroll lyrics when they overrun the display bottom.
Lyrics: The song's lyrics, with or without Chords

You can control the display of each section in the "Setups" page. For a detailed explanation of the setups, from any Song page, Click the [More] button, then the [Setups] button, then the [Help] button.

Links Section:

Some song pages will have links at the top of the page. These are hypertext links to other documents or web pages that give more information about the song, or alternative variations on the song.
Using these links is the same as any web page. click on the link and your browser will take you to the page.

Chords Section:

The Title of the song is prominently displayed.

Many songs have more than one name, so Alternate Titles are displayed below the title.

The Key of the song is prominently displayed. Some common keys (such as "C") are not displayed to save screen space. This controls the "Key Signature" shown on the music score.

Some songs are played in a different Mode. For example, a song played in A-Minor uses the same Key Signature as C-Major, but the root note is A and the song is played in the minor mode.

The song's Chords are displayed, one chord per beat, for those that only want to accompany the song on the guitar or other rhythm instrument. An indication of (2X) at the end of the chord list means those chords are played twice.


This section shows several rows of buttons, one row for Key Selection, one row for Tab Selection, one row for Tempo and one row for Song Play.


The first row is used for Key Selection. If you want to try the song in a different key, tap the desired key. If the key you want isn't showing, tap the [More] button and the selections will expand to show all possible keys (remember, Ab is the same as G#). You will also see "<" and ">" buttons, these allow you to step down or up key signatures in half-steps.
Might also mention the [CapoCalc] button. This takes you to a capo position calculator useful to guitar players.


The second row is used for Tab Selection. Some players either don't read music, or don't read music well. Tabs are an alternate way of displaying how the song is played that shows where to find the note by displaying which fret to use on which string. (except for harmonicas, where the hole and blow/draw is shown).
Tab display is toggled on or off by pressing the button over and over.
For an explanation of how Tabs work CLICK HERE


The third row of buttons controls a built-in metronome.
The song file sets up the typical tempo for the song in beats per minute. This is the number in the center button. The tempo can be increased or decreased with the arrow buttons,
The "<<" button slows it by 10 beats per minute,
The "<" button slows it by 1 beat per minute,
The ">" button increases it by 1 beat per minute,
The ">>" button increases it by 10 beats per minute.

If you are learning a song and want to slow the tempo down, use these buttons. You can save your tempo changes in the Setups page.


The fourth row of buttons controls a built-in synthesizer.
These buttons are used to activate Playback and Looping. With this tool, you can play the tune on your speaker, and change the Key and Tempo at will. There are loop control markers that allow you to loop a portion of the tune.

The "Play" button starts playing the song,
The "Stop" stops play,
The "More" expands the display of play controls,
For an explanation of how Song Play Controls work CLICK HERE

Music Score:

This section is the heart of the application. The song is displayed in single-note format, much like a Fake Book. Use of screen space is a priority, so you may notice that the measures are all different widths. This makes it possible to place as many notes on one line as possible and stay readable.

Only the treble clef is shown, and the notes are limited to the range of the fiddle, (Low G to high c).
Sometimes a transposition will result in a note being out of range of the display. When this happens, an "X" will be displayed to indicate the note is out of range.

Scroll Buttons:

There are actually three functions in this row:
[CHORDS OVER], - - -, and Scrolling.

The [CHORDS OVER] button is used to control the display of chords in the Lyrics. Please see the "Lyrics" section below for explanation of what this button does.

The - - - is a special use button. It scrolls the display up until only the music score and lyrics are displaying. The stuff at the top rolls off the top of the screen.

The [slower], [SCROLL], and [faster] buttons are used to control scrolling of the lyrics.
If there are more lyrics than will fit on the screen, you can make them scroll up the page.
The scroll speed is calculated from the tempo and the meter of the song. If this speed is too slow or too fast, you can speed it up with the [faster] button, or slow it down with the [slower] button. Scroll action is turned on (and off) with the [SCROLL] button.


When lyrics are available for a song, they are displayed in this section. Typically they are in Verse, Chorus, Verse ... order, with the Chorus displayed in italics.

Several modes of display are available, you toggle through the modes with the [CHORDS OVER] button: (Each button displays the current display mode)
[CHORDS OVER]: (default) The chords are displayed over the corresponding word. Every effort is made to show chord changes on the downbeat.
[CHORDS IN]: The chords are shown in-line with the lyric's text. This takes a little getting used to, but displays more lyrics in the limited screen space.
[CHORDS OMIT]: If all you're doing is singing, you don't give a hoot what the chords are. This mode turns them off.
[LYRICS OFF]: Don't know why you would want to turn the Lyrics off, maybe they're a little off-color. This mode turns the display of the lyrics off.


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